“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker, for He is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under His care.”
Psalm 95: 6 – 7
St. Thomas is an open, welcoming congregation in Plettenberg Bay on the Garden Route in the Western Cape (South Africa). Please join us as we meet in worship and fellowship. Our aim is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and to provide a place where people can get connected to God, to each other, and to reach out to those in need. We have meaningful ministries and invite you to visit us. Welcome to an exciting congregation!
Join a SMALL GROUP – Find the right Bunch and become part of the Vine
Join our WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY – Journey on an in-depth look at the Bible
Become a MEMBER – Learn about the STMC family and let us learn about you
Join a Methodist ORGANISATION – Our Women’s Auxiliary holds a key position at STMC
Get involved in COMMUNITY outreach – We work closely with many community projects within our town
At STMC we thrive on learning how to deepen our relationship with God. Throughout the year we run a variety of courses to facilitate our members spiritual growth. Some of these courses include:
New Members Orientation
Connect Leaders Facilitation Training
The Alpha Course
Grief Share Course
The best way to become part of a church family is to get involved in serving the body. Here are some ways STMC could use your gifts and talents.
Children’s Ministries, Youth Ministries, Info Desk, Door Steward, Prayer Ministry, AV Operator, Worship Team, Social Media, Bible Study Facilitator, Communion Server, Tea Duty, Choir, Fellowship Group Leader, Handyman, Banner Ministry, Flower Ministry, Hospital Ministry, Transport Ministry, Camera Operater, Video Editor, etc.
Thank you for your continued financial support that enables us to continue working in areas of need.
Our banking details are as follows:
MCSA St Thomas Plettenberg Bay | First National Bank – Code 210514
Account Number: 62020675833
OFFICE HOURS: (Monday to Friday) 08:00 – 13:00
CONTACT NUMBER: 044 533 3430
1 Muller Street
(off Marine Way)
Ramps & Parking
(wheelchair & pram access)
Large Bathrooms
(wheelchair accessible)
Parent/Child Chapel
(with changing facilities)