4 APRIL 2017: MCSA statement by Presiding Bishop Ziphozihle Siwa
For Immediate Release to all Societies, Circuits and Districts 4 April 2017
Some Prayerful Guidance at Such a Time as This In the light of the present State of affairs in South Africa, civil society is called upon to stand for stability, justice, and better life for all. The church should not at any time be seen as aligning itself with any party regardless of what that party is. The call for the nation to unite and express their disquiet is irrespective of political persuasion, socio-economic standing or racial difference. This is a call for us to collectively speak and act in the best interests of the country. A call has been made by a coalition of civil society bodies led by SAVESA to express collective indignation about the present state of affairs which includes the country being downgraded to junk status. The MCSA calls on all to set aside the time leading up to The Resurrection as a period of lament and prayer for something new to be born out of the present crisis. Therefore, we appeal to our members to exercise their conscience as they may choose to join protest initiatives around the country. The MCO will not be open on Friday 7 April because of anticipated travel difficulties but also to use that time to join the nation in prayer and lament.
Statement released by Bishop Ziphozihle Siwa Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa
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