24/05/2017 | Psalm of Ascents Psalm 126 | “Sowing the Seeds” | Colleen Stringer
Psalm 126 was a special Psalm to the children of Israel because it reminded them of the Lord’s past works in the life of their nation and of His promise to carry on that work into the future. It is also a special Psalm to those who are in the church of Jesus Christ, to challenge the church to be active in outreach into a lost and dying world.
Psalm 126 (GNT)
When the LORD brought us back to Jerusalem,
it was like a dream!
2 How we laughed, how we sang for joy!
Then the other nations said about us,
“The LORD did great things for them.”
3 Indeed he did great things for us;
how happy we were!
4 LORD, make us prosperous again,
just as the rain brings water back to dry riverbeds.
5 Let those who wept as they planted their crops,
gather the harvest with joy!
6 Those who wept as they went out carrying the seed
will come back singing for joy,
as they bring in the harvest.
They Speak Of Their Deliverance:
They Speak Of Their Delight: We have a reason to rejoice.
They Speak Of Their Decision: Habakkuk 3:18, “Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.”)
As these pilgrims ponder their past and their deliverance they pray that just as the spring rains fill the southern streams with floods of water, that God will also deliver others from their captivity and restore them to their homeland. They have a burden to see others delivered as they have been and they call on the Lord to see they others are set free as well. John Knox who was so burdened for Scotland “Give me Scotland, or I die!” George Whitefield who was so burdened for the lost that he cried, “Give me souls or take my soul!”
When these people returned to their homeland, they found it decimated and totally destroyed. The fields were fallow and there was no harvest and little food to eat. All they had was a few precious seeds that held the promise of a future harvest. They take those few seeds, and with tears, they sow those seeds into the earth. With faith and patience they wait, and in a few weeks, there is life in the fields!
3. The Heart of the Saint who sows.
Burdened for the lost…The idea is “as you go” realize you are “Bearing precious seeds,” that little phrase has the idea “of leaving a trail of seeds.”
4. Tears of the Sower:
What has caused you to cry in your life? What is your Past Experience?
Lord break our hearts with what breaks yours! Heb 4:12 \Eph C6
The Word Works! Why not for some people? Some people do not sow their seed but eat it instead. Eating the seed means we do not allow the Holy Spirit to help us apply the word of Almighty God to our lives and change to be more Christ-like and that is the harvest. We were meant to eat from the sheaves and not from the seeds.The Word will work when you apply it to your life…God needs to work in you before He can work through you as a Sower.
The Triumph Of The Sower – The Sowers went to the fields, they worked and they sowed; now they return with rejoicing, bearing in their arms the fruits of their labours. Harvest of Joy. This is the promise of God, that if we sow we will reap! He who promised is faithful…Pray Psalm 126 The Psalm of the Sowing Saint over yourself.