18 October 2018

The Methodist Church of Southern Africa joins the country-wide outcry over what has been described by various media as ‘The VBS cash heist’. This scandal has affected hundreds of poor and susceptible patrons of the bank many of whom have been unscrupulously robbed of their life savings. We are shocked at what seems to be almost weekly revelations about how far the corruption and graft have permeated our previously robust institutions.

“This is yet another tragic indictment on the moral fibre of a young nation whose bitter history of liberation from the apartheid yoke is witnessing the shameless hoodwinking of the most vulnerable in our society. If the scathing news reports are anything to go by, even municipalities, which are a fulcrum of community service delivery, have been seriously compromised.  We are tethering at the edge of a precipice and it is imperative that we stem the tide and find financial solutions to this crisis to minimize the impact of the fall-out,” said Bishop Zipho Siwa, Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa.

We affirm the call for a full and prompt investigation and disclosure. We urge all the people implicated and accused, to cooperate with the relevant authorities and the on-going investigations. Dismissive, unsubstantiated denials and arrogant scape-goating will in no way assist those whose money has been stolen.

An urgent process of debridement and lancing of our wounded nation needs to be set in motion before this cancer of corruption and rot spreads unchecked.

Released on behalf of:
Bishop Zipho Siwa
For more information contact
Bongie Moyo-Bango – 0781315137