

Do what and how we can, it’s a journey of a lifetime and not a 1 hour sprint

A little introduction to a proposed approach:

The following is a concept which attempts to help Christ-followers ‘search the scriptures’ as John Wesley encourages the Tribe of the people called Methodist to follow. We may initially find it helpful to even contemplate one passage of scripture per day – after all, we have a lifetime to go back and consider those that were skipped.  Or, some of us may find space to have a day retreat and journey through everything over a few hours – and possibly find ourselves revisiting a few of them in the days to come.  That too, is a welcomed approach.  We may obtain the most benefit when we do not rush through the passages ‘reflecting countenance of Jesus’, rather chewed over somewhat and our discovery will  ‘grow within us’.

Firstly, before reading any further, let’s pause and quickly jot down a few words that describe our picture of God. Be reminded there are no incorrect answers! We, you, me are the artists of this portrait. Imagine if one of us held up a coffee mug, we’d paint our picture of it from different angles – I may miss the ear and will need your picture of the mug sketched from your view point for me to gain a more complete appreciation thereof. Hence, the reason for Connect Groups! If we can’t yet meet in our groups – phone a friend, let’s do ‘Coffee & Conversation’ and share our progress in true catholic (believers) spirit.

Done? Wonderful …. Shall we continue …….

What are we looking for? Let’s allow the stories in the scriptures below to reveal something of the image of the Triune God – Father, Son, Spirit – that will help us develop our own personal picture of God.

How we read is important:  Be invited to see what picture of God is sketched in each passage by considering the current context, persons involved, Jesus’ actions and all emotions evident in the passages.

Our purpose is to search for what Jesus is saying about God, and not what we should or should not be doing or becoming. We’re invited to read more to nurture, grow, deepen a relationship and not merely learn something.

Example: Matthew 5:43-48

The picture that Jesus seems to be painting here is that God even loves our enemies! No matter who we hate or deem an enemy, God’s heart bleeds for them, and he loves them as much as he loves us. Possibly a vastly different picture of God from that of David in his day “Destroy my enemies, Lord” (Ps 143:12)

What do you think?

Be invited into the world of artistry as we take opportunity to sketch and colour in our picture of God.

Proposed journey:

Monday: John 4: 7-9 Now let’s draft a phrase to start a picture of God. Next we consider Luke 5:27-31.  From this passage (picture narrative) we may want to add a phrase, a word, or thought to our existing picture from the John 4 passage. Then consider Luke 7:36-39 to see if this passage adds to our picture?

Be invited to follow the concept above as we travel through the rest of the contemplations below. They are presented in daily format for those who prefer a daily journey (Refer to introductory paragraph). Let’s reflect personally – and even share with others over a cuppa – on our developing picture of God.

Tuesday: John 2:1-11; Luke 5:1-11 Wednesday: Matthew 5:1-12; John 9:1-7
Thursday:  Mark 5:24b-33 Friday: Reflect on how our experience of The Lord’s Supper (Communion) shapes our picture of God
Saturday: Perhaps we can sit in an appreciative surrounding. Or even take a stroll. Look toward the surrounding mountains …. Anything like that and … just ‘rest in our picture of God’ this day.

Further reflection: Luke 4:42-44; John 7:53-8:11; Mark 5:24b-33

As mentioned, this is a journey of a lifetime!  The best possible way forward in completing our ‘never ending, ever emerging’ picture of God is to periodically read through the Gospel sections where Jesus is present.  Do this in small bites.  Read slowly to ‘see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ’ and keep sketching.

Be blessed in your artistry!