

Dear Parents,

I would firstly like to thank everyone for their incredibly warm wishes and gifts for myself, Tayla and our little baby girl Piper. We have been overwhelmed by all the kind words, food, clothes, and amazing hand made blankets, quilts and outfits for Piper. We greatly appreciate it all!

IMPACT YOUTH  |  FRIDAYS  |  18.00 to  21.00  &

YOUTH SERVICES  |  SUNDAYS  |  9.40 to 10.30

Youth will be back up and running at last! This Friday, 3rd September, we kick things off again with our Friday night IMPACT and then on Sunday with our YOUTH SERVICE.  We are so looking forward to seeing everyone again and hearing all the stories! Please note, there is no church in the sanctuary just yet on Sundays, but there will be a youth service in the Youth Chapel.

CHILDREN’S CHURCH |  SUNDAYS  |  9.30 – 10.30

Children’s Church is also back in church on Sundays as well as online. If you have any children, or know of anyone with children, up to the ages of 13, you are welcome to bring them along to Children’s Church which also begins at 9:30am. We would like to ask parents, if possible, to stick around with your children at Children’s Church as it will be a slightly shorter program. It is also a nice way to get to experience what Peter and Emma do with the kids on Sunday mornings.

We are otherwise still waiting to see how things develop with regards to the Covid numbers within Plett and the government regulations. At this stage we are taking things slowly by first getting things up and running before we make any big plans or preparations.

I would also like to ask if you could please keep us, and the other ministry leaders too, in your prayers as we begin planning and preparing for next year.

Kind regards

Troy Rist