Connect Group Study Notes: 27 March 2022

Theme: Lost and Found

Readings: Psalm 32 and Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

Fellowship (10 min)

Begin with general conversation and sharing about how the past week has gone. Try not to go over time.

Worship and Prayer (15 min)

Click on the link below on your smartphone, Smart TV, or computer, to select songs to sing; and then spend a few minutes in song and prayer.

And if you need to check on the Message for the week again, then click on:

This time of worship and prayer will encourage you to move your thoughts from daily worries and pressures to our time of Bible study and prayer.


The scripture reading is the story of the prodigal son. While you read the scripture, listen for how the older son responds to the brother’s return; ask yourself how you would respond if you were the older brother.
Bear in mind that the word “prodigal” means “reckless”, and it does not mean “lost” or “returning”.

Read: Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

Discussion Questions (Approx. 30 min)

• Why does Jesus tell this parable? Who is the main audience?
• How is the younger son reckless? How is the older son reckless? How is the father reckless?
• Sometimes this story is told as if it is about returning. How is the story more about searching and finding? (Hint: Read verses 4-10 for further context and confirmation – the shepherd finds the lost sheep and the woman finds the lost coin.)
• How are the older brother’s words self-incriminating? For example, the older brother notes that he has been working like a “slave.” He will not accept the brother as his brother, but rather, “this son of yours.” Howdoes he know how the younger brother lived while away? Perhaps he was imagining what he would have done if he had the courage of the younger brother?  What do you think happens next in the parable? Do you think the older son learns to accept the actions of the father? Do you think the older son leaves the father and the brother?
• Why do you think the parable ends open-ended?
• How might the Pharisees and scribes be like the older son? How might we be like the older son?

Faith Building – to think about this week:

• What do we learn about God from this passage? What does this passage
tell us about ourselves?
• How might this parable being calling us to live? What might this parable
be calling us to do?

Prayer (10 min). Share prayer requests and then pray together.

Sending Prayer (2 min). End by praying the following or a similar prayer:

Father God, the Good Shepherd, we thank you that you continue searching for
us and that there is no land too far away for us to go to, that is outside the
reaches of your love. Help us to accept our identity as those who have been
found by your love. May we learn to be as gracious to others as you have been
to us. Amen.

Have a great week.
God bless,
With grateful thanks and acknowledgment to:…. -small-groups