Well, this year is “nearly done and dusted” as they say – and what a journey it has been for us as the Rist family, and for our St Thomas church family too!

For our church family, I am deeply aware that this year has been a mixed bag of blessings; and of deep pain and sadness. We have celebrated being together again in our church building, in our home groups, our mission groups, our Bible study groups, our connect groups, and the works of our service organisation the W.A. It has been wonderful to witness the resurgence of energy and work within the Worship Teams, the FGV Fellowship meeting, the dedication in our Choir, and the passion and commitment of our data, sound, and creative ministry teams too!

The Alpha Team enjoyed a full course together and were blessed! Healing was nurtured in the compassionate and wise guidance of the “Grief Share” programme. The Youth ministry grew “with noise and energy”; and the Young Adults continued to expand their ministry during evenings of fun, debate, discussion, and mentoring! The Children’s Ministry team so dedicated, creatively, and well prepared, each week, to nurture the little ones in their care on Sundays – thank you!

Congratulations to our Confirmands and their reception into full, adult membership at STMC!

We tackled the book “Missing Jesus” and were blessed by the visit and ministry of the author Rev John Wessels.

The STMC staff who have worked so hard and diligently throughout the year and thank you so much to all our volunteers who so willingly gave of their time to serve Communion, to take up the Sunday Offerings, to serve tea, to warmly welcome people to worship, to run our Sunday library …. These are but a few examples of where we experienced the blessing of God at work.

It has been so good to be back – meeting in person and being together!

However, several of our families experienced deep crisis during this past year – we remember them, and we will continue to uphold them in our thoughts, and our prayers, and to provide compassionate support and care in whatever way we can.

Thank you for your faithfulness in your financial support, and the generosity of your tithes and sacrificial giving this year within a climate of economic uncertainty and financial challenges. This past year has been tough financially for STMC. We prayerfully, and faithfully believe we will break even on our 2022 budget, but it will be close. We are anticipating, and planning for an increasingly financially difficult 2023. Please prayerfully consider your plans for your giving to STMC for 2023. Thank you.

We are looking forward to a full set of Christmas services this year – it will be great to sing and rejoice in the Christmas story with you and your family. Please join me!

All the info you need for our Christmas services is on the front page of

Have a very blessed Christmas – may the celebration of the birth of Jesus fill you with wonder and joy, and may your time with your family, friends, and your loved ones be precious moments, and refreshing and that energise you for a power-filled and faith-filled start to 2023!
