The Power of a Three Word Prayer Come, Holy Spirit, (Come)

Three areas to consider regarding Sunday’s message:

  • What did we learn, individually?
  • Where or how was our heart nudged by Holy Spirit?
  • What do we, individually, need to do (or become)?

Reflect on the line of the Hymn by James Gray (1904):

Send a Revival, Lord

Let it begin IN me

Obedience is – placing ourselves in a position where God can work with us the most, the best”.

  • What does this definition, or understanding imply?
  • What other helpful ‘definition’ or ‘understanding’ can we use for obedience.

Sunday’s scripture for group reference or personal meditation.

  • Rev 22:20
  • Jn 14:25
  • Jn 16:7
  • Jn 20:22
  • Acts 1:8
  • Acts 13:2
  • Rom 12:2