This format is a guide to you for your small group meeting. Feel free to change and adapt it according to the needs of your group. The objective is for you to build authentic relationships within the group, relationships that enable you to learn to love others who are different to you, and to discover as a reality the treasure of relationships built on the foundation of a relationship with Jesus, his life, and his teaching.
Meeting and Greeting:
Begin with general conversation and sharing about how the past week has gone. Try not to go over time.
Worship and Prayer
Click on the link below on your smartphone, Smart TV, or computer, to select songs to sing; and then spend a few minutes in song and prayer.
PLETT METHODIST YOU TUBE CHANNEL SONG’S PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbsAkwbV_S1vXdZVPkZ0_tQW5n9RqeZX0
And if you need to check on the Message for the week again, then click on:
PLETT METHODIST YOU TUBE CHANNEL (MESSAGE): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU1X4YYw1KLpda1yGnqKgfw/videos
This time of worship and prayer will encourage you to move your thoughts from daily worries and pressures to our time of Bible study and prayer.
READING: Matthew 25:1-13
Warm up for the discussion time:
- Have you ever got caught unprepared by visitors (arrived without any advance notice)? Or have you ever “run out of time” while getting ready for guests to arrive – you knew they were on their way, you were expecting them, but somehow the pressures of the day “ran away with your time” – you are not ready for them, and they have arrived! Or have you ever known that guests are on the way; you promised your spouse that you would be back in time to help get things ready…. But there was that one urgent phone call to make, or that person that just “popped into the office, as you were leaving, and they needed to see you….;” you manage to disengage…. Only to get home and discover the guests are already there – you were not there to greet them….! What story do you have?
Discussion Questions:
- Who do you think the bridegroom is, in the story?
- What is your reaction to the predicament that the bridesmaids find themselves in? Were the wise bridesmaids “selfish” in not sharing the oil that they had? Is this a story about bad planning, or is it more than that?
- What do you understand the words “And the door was shut” to mean?
Faith building:
- This parable is about being prepared for the coming judgement that will take place when Jesus returns. Do you believe there will be judgement at that time? What does your answer say about a loving and compassionate God?
- The lamp and the lamp oil can be seen together as metaphors for the Word of God (Lamp) and the Holy Spirit (the oil). How can you fill your life with the presence of God (with the Holy Spirit) each day?
- What is your reaction to the following statement I make: “When it comes to faith, and living in faith, we each have our own responsibilities to fulfill to ensure that we have the Holy Spirit within us to guide us on the way! I cannot borrow some of your faith, and you cannot borrow some of mine! Your faith, your preparedness, the oil in your lamp, is your business in your relationship with God! Jesus is making it clear – there are some things we each must do for ourselves to live for God!”
- How will you make sure that you are prepared?
Prayer: Share prayer requests and then pray together.
Closing Prayer: And now may the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God, and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all, now, and forever more. Amen
Have a wonderful week. God bless. Tim.