Theme: “Listening to God”
This format is a guide to you for your small group meeting. Feel free to change and adapt it according to the needs of your group. The objective is for you to build authentic relationships within the group, relationships that enable you to learn to love others who are different to you, and to discover as a reality the treasure of relationships built on the foundation of a relationship with Jesus, his life, and his teaching.
Meeting and Greeting:
Begin with general conversation and sharing about how the past week has gone.
Worship and Prayer
Click on the link below on your smartphone, Smart TV, or computer, to select songs to sing; and then spend a few minutes in song and prayer.
PLETT METHODIST YOU TUBE CHANNEL SONG’S PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbsAkwbV_S1vXdZVPkZ0_tQW5n9RqeZX0
And if you need to check on the Message for the week again, then click on:
PLETT METHODIST YOU TUBE CHANNEL (MESSAGE): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU1X4YYw1KLpda1yGnqKgfw/videos
This time of worship and prayer will encourage you to move your thoughts from daily worries and pressures to our time of Bible study and prayer.
You do not have to answer all the questions below.
Luke 11:1-4 and Mark 4:2-9 (especially verse 9).
Discussion and Sharing
- Do you talk (pray) to God? Why? How?
- Do you listen to God? How?
- Do you think that prayer is more about talking to God, or more about listening to God?
- Can you think of examples from the Bible of people that listened to God speaking to them? What situation were they in, what were they going through at the time? How did they recognise God’ voice? For example: Genesis 22, 1 Kings 19, Exodus 3, 2 Samuel 12 …. Matthew 26:36-46.
- Why did the disciples want to learn to pray “like Jesus”? (Luke 11)
- Read Matthew 6:6. Why did Jesus make this statement?
- Do you think God still talks to people today? How?
- What might you need to learn, or put in place in your daily life, to listen to God more?
Prayer: Share prayer requests and then pray together.
Benediction Prayer: And now may the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God, and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all, now, and forever more. Amen
Have a wonderful week.
God bless.