
Saying “Yes” to the Will Of God

Home Group Notes
Theme: “Saying ‘yes’ To The Will of God”
Scripture Readings: Matthew 26: 38-39; Psalm 103: 20-22
Discussion Questions: 
1). Has there been a time in your life when you have prayed for something and it wasn’t in alignment with God’s will? If yes, how did you respond to God?
2). What is God’s purpose, plan and desire for your life?
3). What is God’s purpose, plan and desire for mankind?
4). How is God calling you to live out His purpose, plan and desire for the world (narrow it down to your context e.g. Plett)?
5). Examine the throne of your heart – who is currently king?
6). What emotions do you think Jesus was feeling in the Garden of Gethsemane?
7). Describe a time in your life when surrendering to God was painful and came at a cost to you. What was the result of your obedience and surrender?
8). What are the areas in your life that you need to surrender to God? What is He saying to you about these things?
“If we can’t say “thy will be done” from the bottom of our hearts, we will never know any peace. We will feel compelled to try control people and control our environment and make things the way we believe they ought to be.” – Tim Keller