

Ice breaker: what are some of your favorite movies that you watch on repeat?

  1. How do you show others that you love them? How have others shown their love towards you.

  2. Read Romans 5:8. For Paul, the cross  demonstrates many things (God’s: righteousness; justice; mercy; grace; faithfulness). Why is it important for God to demonstrate his love for us?

  3. If you were telling someone who isn’t Christian that “the cross of Christ shows God’s love for us” and they asked “how does Jesus dying on a cross show God’s love?” How would you respond to them?

  4. What does Jesus’ death on the cross tell us about what God’s love is like (and maybe even what it isn’t like)?

  5. The following quote is from MacLaren’s exposition on the above scripture. Do you agree or disagree with it (and why)? “We love because we discern, or fancy we do, something lovable in the object. God loves under the impulse, so to speak, of His own welling-up heart.”

  6. Read John 13:34-35. What is Jesus commanding us to do?

  7. Why is it important for others to “observe” how we love each other?

  8. In closing, reflect on the below quote from Dr. Wiseman, the Professor of Homiletics at United Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg:


“It is said that John, in his old age, would remind those around him to love one another. When questioned why he told them this so very often, his reply would be, “Because it is what our Lord commanded. If it is all you do, then it is enough.”