Wisdom Week 1
Connecting with one another:
- Do you have a favourite riddle?
- Can you think of a wise person who has influenced your life?
- Think of items that are valuable to you—items that have financial or intrinsic value. Write them down on a list. Then review the list and see what you can learn about what you identify as valuable.
Growing with God’s Word:
Read Proverbs Chapter 2
- What strikes you as interesting or noteworthy from this chapter? Why?
- Verses 1–9 deal with the search for wisdom and how to get it. What steps did Solomon identify for gaining wisdom?
- What are practical ways that we can take those steps today?
Explore further:
Read James 1:2–8 for another perspective on gaining wisdom.
- Where do you see connections and similarities between these verses and Solomon’s advice in Proverbs?
- Proverbs 2: 10–22 deals with the value of wisdom. What benefits are listed in those verses for those who search for wisdom and find it?
- How is wisdom connected to “knowledge,” “understanding,” and “discretion” (common sense) see vs 6-7?
- Solomon identified several villains who looked for ways to harm those without wisdom. Where do you see similar villains at work in the world today?
Focus for the week ahead:
- What would it look like for you to search for and live with wisdom this week?
- What are some obstacles that have got in the way of you trying to live with wisdom in the past?
God bless
This Bible Study is based on:
www.biblegateway.com; NKJV Bible Study Bible; Copyright © 2023 by Thomas Nelson.