Wisdom Week 2
Connecting with one another:
- Who are some writers or speakers you find inspiring? Why?
- Do you have a favourite saying that has to do with Wisdom? What is it?
Growing with God’s Word:
- Read Proverbs 2: 1-7. Use this wonderful instruction to guide your thoughts as you prepare for your study this week.
- Read Proverbs 1:7 and Proverbs 9:10. What do these verses say about respecting God?
Explore further:
Read James 3: 13-18
- What do you think the word “discernment” means?
- There is a pattern in James where he lists examples of worldly wisdom (verse 13-14) and follows later with the comparison of what Godly wisdom is (verse 17). Make a list of the comparisons that you can identify in the other verses.
Read Galatians 5: 23
- God works in your life through the Holy Spirit. What does Godly Wisdom produce in you?
- Read James 3:18 again. What does this verse mean? (see also Matthew 5:9)
Read Ephesians 6:10-12
- What is this reading telling you about the reality of spiritual warfare, and your involvement in it?
Focus for the week ahead:
- Where do you have an opportunity to “make peace” in your family? In your community?
- What might this phrase mean for you: Don’t be afraid – be discerning.
Have a blessed week,