Wisdom Week 3
Connecting with one another:
- What are some of the ways you use the word love in your conversations with others?
- Do you have a favourite love song?
Growing with God’s Word:
Read James 3:17
- List the characteristics of the Wisdom that comes from heaven. What does this list tell you about the nature, the character of God?
- Which of these characteristics of God do you see bearing fruit in your
life? - How do you think the picture of the quadrilateral may help you in your
Explore further 1 :
Read 1 Corinthians 13. Remember that God is described in several ways in the Bible, for example, God is described as Love, and he is described as Wisdom! The terms are synonymous for God.
- What do you like best about this chapter? Why?
- What are some of the main ways our culture defines or understands
the concept of love? - Where do you see contrasts in this chapter between what our culture thinks about love and how God wants us to think about love? When you read the word Love, replace it with the word Wisdom. Does this change your understanding of the reading?
- Read Jesus’ thoughts on love in John 15:9–17. Where do you see connections between those teachings and what Paul communicated in this chapter?
- How do we gain access to the kind of love Paul described in this
Focus for the week ahead:
- What causes you to feel convicted when you read this chapter? Why?
- Where do you have an opportunity this week to love someone in an extraordinary way?
God bless,
1 1 Corinthians 13 NIRV – Suppose I speak in the languages of – Bible Gateway; NKJV Bible Study
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