
Wisdom Week 4

Connecting with one another:

  • Have you ever looked forward to something with all your heart? What was it? Did it come about?

Growing with God’s Word:

Read Proverbs 4:20-25

  •  Does any verse “jump out” at you?
  • What does it mean to “guard your heart” (verse 23)?
  •  Has technology increased or decreased our ability to search for wisdom? Explain.
  •  Proverbs 1:7 says: “ If you really want to gain knowledge, you must begin by having respect for the Lord. But foolish people hate wisdom and instruction.” Hebrews 10:31 says “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Do you think that there is a true “fear” (awe-filled respect) for the Lord in our world today? Why or why not? What might need to change?

Explore further:

Read Matthew 15:1-20 (18-19)

  • What is the core issue that Jesus is dealing with in this vs 1-20? See
    verse 11 for a clue.
  • What do these verses show us about Jesus’ values and priorities? What does Jesus mean when he says, “the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart”?
  • Is there a connection between what we say, and the core values that we hold on to, and Wisdom?
  •  Do these values get in the way of a meaningful relationship with God, and with others?
  •  Pray: Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas where you are holding on to religious traditions or cultural values more tightly than you are holding on to God.

Focus for the week ahead:

  •  What are some obstacles preventing you from searching for wisdom
    more diligently?
  • Pray: Follow Solomon’s example by bowing your face before God and asking your heavenly Father to fill you with wisdom. Ask for wisdom in connection with current problems or circumstances and those you will face in the future.

God bless,