
Wisdom and a renewed mind

Wisdom and a renewed mind

Last week Rev Tim defined the heart, according to Hebrew thinkers, as the center of our being, it encapsulates our whole identity.  This week we define the mind, in Paul’s letter to the Romans, as the “way a person thinks” or their “pattern” of thinking. If appropriate, spend some time praying for each other and for the wisdom of God to be saturated in our lives. 

  • Read Romans 12:1-2. What stands out to you in this scripture? How does a renewed mind lead to us living in and with Godly wisdom? 
  • How does Romans 12:2 run alongside, or connect with Romans 1:28? What are the two contrasting ideas present in these supporting verses?
  • What is so bad about a “depraved” mind?
  • What does Paul’s words in Romans 12:2 “God’s…good, pleasing and perfect will” teach us about the will of God? What role does a renewed mind play in us discerning God’s will?
  • Read Ephesians 4:23. How does this passage support, and maybe expand, on Romans 12:2? What is the relationship between the heart and the mind? 
  • A renewed mind is essential for us to be transformed into people who can discern the will of God which contains the wisdom of God. “How” we renew our minds is thus vitally important. Read Titus 3:5 and discuss the role of the Holy Spirit in renewing our minds.
  • The other aspect is the word “transform” itself. Reflecting on 2 Corinthians 3:18, how does the Holy Spirit transform us?
  • This week, what are some practical ways we can work with the Holy Spirit in the renewal of our minds?