Can you remember something that you had “set your heart on” when you were growing up? Was it a bicycle, a special dress or pair of shoes? What was it?
Getting into the Word
What did Paul warn the Colossians about in verses 1–11?
What does it mean to “set your sights on the realities of heaven”?
Which of the negative elements mentioned in those verses are regarded as normal, acceptable or perhaps even praised by our culture?
As followers of Jesus, how do we “put to death” or “put off” those parts of us that go against what Jesus values?
How do we teach children to live by these values?
What do you like best from verses 12–17? Why?
Which of those commands feels most important or most needed in our society today?
Divide your group in half. Ask one half to brainstorm actions and attitudes that we will experience if we focus on the negative elements from verses 5–11. Ask the other half to brainstorm what our lives will be like if we focus on the positive elements from verses 12–17.
Focus for the week ahead
Memorize Colossians 3:17: “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”
God bless,
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