

28 July 2024

Please use the questions below as a guide for your devotions this week, and/or for your group meeting if you belong to a small group. You might not get through all the questions – that is Ok – but I pray that they will help you grow in your faith and in your understanding of the Bible.

If you would like me to visit your group, then please let me know – contact Lesley on 0445333430 or admin@plettmethodist.co.za to set up a visit. If you are not part of a group, and would like to join one, then contact Don on 0834129877 and don@prism-ic.co.za

Theme:         When it all goes pear shaped![i] 


  • What are some foods or meals that always make you want more?
  • It’s common for public figures to have their mistakes and failures broadcast for all to see. List pros and cons for living as a celebrity. What are the potential risks and rewards?


Getting into the Word

Read 2 Samuel 11:1-27.

  • Verses 1–5 are the beginning of a famous story. In your opinion, at what point did David cross the line into sin?
  • Work as a group to brainstorm a list of famous moments when powerful people abused those who were under their authority. What are some similarities between those stories? How has our culture tried to handle or address this problem?
  • What was David trying to accomplish in verses 6–13?
  • What are some common ways people try to cover their sins?
  • How should David have responded in this moment? What would have been an appropriate next step?
  • What do you find most surprising or discouraging in verses 14–27? Why?
  • Which of David’s choices in this chapter do you find most disappointing? Why?
  • How does this chapter illustrate the subtlety and the power of sin?

Suggestion for a Closing Prayer:

Verse 27 says David’s actions “displeased the Lord.” Spend time asking the Holy Spirit to reveal any habits, choices, or patterns in your life that are displeasing to Him. Ask questions and listen for God to respond.

Focus for the week ahead:

What steps can you put in place now to help you handle temptation that comes in the future?

God bless,


[i] Copyright © 2023 by Thomas Nelson. NKJV Bible Study Bible

2 Samuel 11 NLT – David and Bathsheba – In the spring of – Bible Gateway