Please use the questions below as a guide for your devotions this week, and/or for your group meeting if you belong to a small group. You might not get through all the questions – that is Ok – but I pray that they will help you grow in your faith and in your understanding of the Bible.
If you would like me to visit your group, then please let me know – contact Lesley on 0445333430 or admin@plettmethodist.co.za to set up a visit. If you are not part of a group, and would like to join one, then contact Don on 0834129877 and don@prism-ic.co.za
Theme: Surrounded[i]
- How do feel about the changes technology has brought? What sort of images do the sayings “Cloud Storage” or “It’s in the Cloud” invoke for you? Do you understand how “the cloud works”?
Getting into the Word
Background Readings: Exodus 13:21 and Exodus 24: 15 ff.
Reading for this week: Hebrews 12:1-6; 14-15, 18-29
- What images catch your attention from the readings? What do those images communicate? Think especially about the “Cloud of Witnesses” – what is that all about?
- Hebrews 12: Look at verses 1–3. What are some examples of the “weight” that can prevent us from running with endurance?
- Do have the gift, the ability to live out your faith with “endurance”, or do you find that your faith fades when life pressure increases? What is your experience?
- Look at verses 4–6. How have you experienced “chastening” (discipline) from God? How? What happened?
- Look at verses 14-15. What are they saying to you, in the context of your life?
- Read verses 18-24. Verses 18-21 deal with the reality of the people being afraid in the presence of God. Verses 22-24 Have a completely different spiritual focus and spiritual reality on what it means to be “with God”. Why the difference?
- What does verse 25 mean?
Close the meeting with a time of Prayer
Focus for the week ahead:
How does this Hebrews 12 add to your understanding of who God is and what it means to follow Him?
God bless,
[i] Copyright © 2023 by Thomas Nelson. NKJV Bible Study Bible