1.What is a food (sweet or savory) that you find irresistible?
2How successful have you been at “waiting” in your life?
3. Perhaps spend some time sharing stories of when you had to wait a long time for something, and it was worth the wait.
4. The stories of Abraham, Joseph, and David can provide three different examples of what it is like to “wait” on the Lord. Reflecting on the story of Abraham (Genesis 12:2-4; 15:4; 16;1-12; 18:9-15; 21:1-6), how “well” did Abraham wait?
5. What were the consequences (Genesis 21:8-18) of Abraham and Sarah’s decision to try and “rush” God?
6. Abraham can reveal how difficult it is to wait on God when we are in times of comfort. How distracting do you find comforts to be in your walk with Jesus?
7. Joseph (Genesis 37:2-11; 41:6; 42:6) can teach us how sometimes waiting on the Lord can be a painful thing. While waiting for God to fulfill his promise, Joseph had to carry the painful “truths” of his brothers wanting him dead, of being a slave, of being accused of rape, of being a prisoner, of being forgotten. How well did Joseph wait while bearing these pains?
8. Joseph can teach us the challenge of waiting on God in times of pain. Why do you think God sometimes allows us to carry painful things (thoughts, memories, experiences etc.) while we wait on Him?
9. Finally, David can teach us that sometimes waiting on the Lord can be a burden. During David’s +-15 years of waiting, he was a shepherd, a warrior, a military leader, a fugitive, and even a madman (1 Samuel 21:10-15). How well do you think David “waited”.
10. Why does God allow us to carry burdens while we wait on Him? (Romans 5:3-5; James 1:2-4)?
What story speaks into your life and motivates you to better “wait” on the lord? How can you begin to put this into practice?