The winter is upon us. Praise God for the beautiful rain we have had BUT oh my word it has been cold and the weather is certainly topsy turvy at the moment. This has not deterred the ladies from getting down to business and raising funds as usual for our outreaches.
This month we had a group from Youth With a Mission (YWAM) visit us and the ladies prepared lunches for 12 days for 16 very hungry growing young adults. They were so appreciative of the delicious meals provided for them each day. We certainly enjoyed making sure they were well
fed and they just seemed to lift our spirits when we were with them.
The ladies to decided to do something new as a fundraiser this year and we hosted a Knit-a -Thon. What a super morning we had of fellowship, fun and knitting of squares for the blankets for Mandela day. It was such a fun way of raising funds for our outreaches and hopefully as many squares were knitted as all the conversation that flowed among the ladies.
Delicious refreshments were served to us by the ladies not knitting.
This month was Youth Month and we invited some youth from Kranshoek that we had assisted with funds to enter into a rehab facility in Johannesburg for drug addiction. These young folk are now back home and rehabilitated and sharing their story with other young
people in schools and in their community. They came to our meeting to speak about their experiences and thank us for our support of them.
During the month of May we have a warm clothing drive. Seef have always supported us so well in this outreach and at our monthly meeting they came to deliver a large amount of warm clothing and brand new blankets for us to distribute to the community. Thank you Seef for blessing so many out there. We are truly grateful for your support.
Stay Blessed and always look up!
Please follow us on our Face book page given below.
Blessings WA Plettenberg Bay