
“Listen and Live!”

Please use the questions below as a guide for your devotions this week, and/or for your group meeting if you belong to a small group. You might not get through all the questions – that is Ok – but I pray that they will help you grow in your faith and in your understanding of the Bible.

If you would like me to visit your group, then please let me know – contact Lesley on 0445333430 or admin@plettmethodist.co.za to set up a visit. If you are not part of a group, and would like to join one, then contact Don on 0834129877 and don@prism-ic.co.za

Theme: “Listen and Live!”

Warming Up:

Growing up, when did you watch a movie that was too scary for you at the
time? What was it about?

Getting into the Word 1

  • Reading: Ezekiel 37:1-11
     Imagine a valley full of bones. Why might their dryness be significant (vs.2,4)?
  •  Hebrews uses the word “ruach” for “wind,” “breath,” and “spirit.” How are these three related (vs. 5, 9, 14)?
  •  What are the two steps in raising these dead (vs. 7-8, 10)? Why not do it all at once?
  •  How are the people (exiles) feeling (vs. 11)? What is God telling them about the future of, Israel? The individual? Humanity?
  •  How would you describe your life? Dry bones? Hopeless? Wondering what is going on? Waiting for God to do something? Standing tall? Renewed? Filled with new life?
  • How does the metaphor of dry bones, point forward to salvation through faith in Jesus? Read John 16: 5–15 to learn more about the work of God’s Spirit in our lives. How have you experienced the help and guidance from the Holy Spirit?
  • Have you experienced God giving you a “new life” before? When did it happen? How did it happen? 
  • Are you filled with the Spirit? What does that mean? How did it happen?

Thoughts for the week ahead:

How can you, and perhaps your group members, help to raise up new life in others? Ezekiel 37: 14 says, “I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land.” Praise God for all the ways He has brought life to you. Worship Him for all the ways He has filled you with goodness and joy.

God bless,

1 Based on NIV Serendipity Bible For Personal and Group Study; 1998: pg. 1191: Zondervan And NKJV Bible Study Bible Copyright © 2023 by Thomas Nelson.