I am the vine, you are the branches. The one who abides in me while I abide in him produces much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15: 5
Energy, spark, enthusiasm, laughter, singing … learning about Jesus at STMC is not a quiet affair! Our Children’s Ministries are considered to be of the utmost importance. We are committed to ensuring that the children of our community have every opportunity to come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour.
AGES | New Born – 3 years of age
Your child is most welcome at STMC. Should you find the need during the service you will find a comfortable, well equipped room with changing facilities and a bathroom for your convenience along with an audio feed from the sanctuary. Access is via an external door through the back of the foyer or through a door at the front right of the sanctuary.
The MCSA believes and practices the baptism of infants. Baptisms usually take place on the last Sunday of every month. We look forward to welcoming your little one into the ‘family’, and adding his/her name to our cradle roll.
Although it is so exciting to come to Sunday School, we know that coming into a big strange space for the first time where you don’t know anyone can be daunting – even for the bravest child (let alone a pre-schooler or Grade 1). We like to encourage parents to check their children in and stay with their child for the first time as well as join in the activities for a while during a lesson or for the entire time for a few Sundays.
What’s it About?
It’s about getting to know Jesus, moving closer to Him, following Him, Trusting Him, Praising Him through prayer, worship & dance, play, the Word, movies, stories and games.
Where do we Meet?
Follow the noise! We all gather together at the start of Sunday School in the hall. You and your child will be welcomed and introduced to your teacher.
What’s the Drill?
All the grades join forces in hall for praise & worship which is followed by large group teaching brought to the children through a variety of exciting and engaging activities.
The children a juice and snack and take part in more fun! Parents collect their children directly from the hall at the end of the service.
Holiday Club
1 Muller St
(off Marine Way)
Ramp & Parking
(wheelchairs & prams)
(enhanced audio)
(wheelchair accessible)
Parent/Child Chapel
(with changing facilities)