Welcome to STMC Youth!  The Youth work falls under the leadership of Pastor Troy Rist who also oversees the Under 35s Young Adults Group and the Children’s Church Ministry.  Troy is a graduate of Rhodes University with a deep love of jazz and philosophy.  He also holds a B.Th.. Honors degree from the South African Theological Seminary.   Troy is married to Tayla and is the father of Piper.  He has been actively involved at STMC since 2019.

Troy has a deep concern for youth ministry and seeing the next generation being equipped for the challenges they face in school and also in the wider environment.  At STMC, we believe that God is shaping the youth to not only know him personally, but to be instrumental in bringing His Kingdom into our nation.  The youth work is shared by a number of volunteer leaders who have been trained by Troy to meet the challenges facing so many of our teenagers today.


On Wednesday evenings, from 18:30 till 20:00, we meet at the youth chapel to connect with each other and God.  Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we aim to delve deeply into the word of God to discover what He is teaching us today, and how to apply His teachings in our schools, families, friends, and personal lives. Our connect group is a time of intimacy and oneness, both with each other and with God.

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.: 2 Timothy 3: 16 – 17 


On Friday evenings from 18.30 – 21.00, Impact Youth meets at STMC to play games, worship, receive a teaching and connect with teenagers from the wider Plett Community.  A team of volunteers drawn the Young Adults, under the leadership of Pastor Troy, are committed to serving, discipling and growing each teenager.  All are welcome regardless of their belief system, as we seek to engage each person where they find themselves.


At STMC we believe it is vital for families to be worshipping together as much as possible.  The best Youth Leader is the parent, and the example they set for their children.  We therefore encourage families to attend church together on a Sunday as opposed to a separate Youth Service.  This teaches our teenagers what it means to be part of the wider church family.  Our Youth Leaders are all there at the 9.30 service to welcome the youth and worship alongside them and their families.  Our teenagers are also given the opportunity to service their church family by volunteering to assist in many of the ways that contribute to the benefit of the community.


Plett teenagers have access to the “Let’s Talk” team.  The team consists of Melani van der Westhuizen and Austin Smith, who are trained FAMSA counsellors.  It is a safe space for anyone who needs a place to talk. If you need counselling or feel you just want to chat, this team is equipped and available, free of charge for all ages.  They may be contacted directly through the following number 081 516 6045, or via the church office 044 533 3430.


Mentorship of our youth takes shape in two different ways.  Firstly, our youth leaders often engage with the teenagers in a less formal way over coffee and milkshakes, or just going to the beach.  This gives them the opportunity to connect more deeply with the group members.

Secondly, should any of our teenagers want more spiritual direction and support in their lives, to become the person God has created them to be  they have the opportunity to be connected with a more spiritually mature member of our church family, for one on one mentorship.  This can be arranged through Troy.

High Schoolers from the age of 16 are encouraged to participate in the confirmation classes to examine their faith and to become members of STMC.  The Confirmation Service is  a special event on our church calendar and one in which we welcome them into the membership of STMC.  The Confirmation Programme is adapted to suit the time constraints of the confirmands.  It might take place over a weekend at a camp, or during the school holidays.  Any teenager who would like to sign up should chat to Troy at the beginning of the year.

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”  Proverbs :6
Holiday Club is a week long program held during the June/July holidays. The program caters for children in Grade R – 7 and includes worship, crafts, games and age-appropriate discussions, while having lots of fun!  STMC Youth play a major role in assisting in creating incredible decorations and help with preparing all the activities that the children will engage with over the course of the week.

The Youth play a vital role, as leaders, in assisting with running  the morning program. In the evenings they look forward to worship, discussions and plenty of games, and spend the week camping out in the Youth Room.